Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Howdys and Welcomes

Hi there! If you're reading this you've accidentally stumbled upon my new blog. Apologies.

My name's Stephen (or Maccy to my friends) and this is going to be a spot for my talk on film, and nothing else. What, you might ask, is the difference between this blog and the 734,102 other film blogs on the internet? Erm... well I don't know, I might have to distract you until you forget what question you asked. All I can say is it's going to be my opinions on film, my lifelong passion. Hopefully I'll be able to approach this blog with an enthusiasm and love of the medium that you'll find interesting. If I ever sound pretentious, feel free to slap me.

A little more about me while we're introducing ourselves. I'm also the moderator of the film forum on Pop on over if you get a chance. As for my taste in film, I like wide and varied selection of film-makers, although with an admitted bias towards independent and foreign cinema. My favourite directors include Kurosawa, Bergman, Miyasaki, Haneke, Allen, the Coens, J.J. Abrams, Aronofsky, Coppolla (Sofia as opposed to Francis Ford, probably controversially), Ozu etc... I have a particular fondness for Japanese cinema - classic and contemporary - and mumblecore films (more on that later). If you feel like we might get along, I welcome you to read on :)

Anyway, this is just another film blog in the wide sea that is known as the Internet. Nothing more. I hope you don't mind.


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